YOUTH STORIES: Manel Abdelfateh CSFH Monsatir

Workforce development / Articles / 25-05-2023

The fashion/textile industry is prominent in my region and has been a big part of my family as well. My mother and aunt, both skilled seamstresses, encouraged me to enroll in a fashion design vocational training center after I decided to postpone my high school studies.  

Even though I began my training in this industry relatively late, I was able to easily catch up. The trainers' commitment and dedication, combined with the availability of online course modules on the platform, played a pivotal role in helping me bridge the gap. I am excited to put my newfound knowledge into practice and I feel confident in my readiness for the workplace. Ideally, I hope that all the courses offered at the center will be accessible online, allowing me to simultaneously work and learn. 

Manel Abdelfateh, Fashion design trainee at Monastir Textile Training Center (CSFH Monsatir) 

* The online textile training modules are part of a pilot project between the US government through its USAID Tunisia JOBS program with the National Center for Training of Trainers and Training Engineering (CENAFFIF). Through the project, JOBS helped CENAFFIF develop 14 online course modules in four high-demand sectors – agriculture, textile, electromechanics, and tourism. 

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